Credits : To the Hacker

[ Note: Use At your Own Risk... ]

If the charles doesn't show the MONEY OR ANY ELES tab
  • Go to privacy setting > security > secure browsing and uncheck the 'Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible' > SAVE
  • Remove the s in https, for example https://apps.facebook.com/soulcrash to http://apps.facebook.com/soulcrash w/o s


  • Charles Proxy Debugger Link 1 ]
  • Skill Hack Instruction.rar [ Link ]
  • Skill Hack Instriction Password.txt [ Link ]
  • SOUL CRASH SKILL HACk Video Tutorial.rar [ Link ]
  • SOUL CRASH Skill Hack Video Tutorial Passowrd.txt [ Link ]

How to use:
  1. Download the 5 file above
  2. Install Charles Proxy Debugger
  3. Open the Skill Hack Instriction Password.txt and copy the password.
  4. Open Skill Hack Instruction.rar extract it and paste the password that you copy.
  5. If Unclear just watch the video tutorial below.

For the Instruction and Video Tutorial:
  1. Download "SOUL CRASH SKILL HACk Video Tutorial.rar" and Energy Hack Tutorial Password.txt above.
  2. Open "SOUL CRASH Skill Hack Video Tutorial Passowrd.txt" and copy the password.
  3. Open the "SOUL CRASH SKILL HACk Video Tutorial.rar" extract it and paste the password you copy.
  4. Open the "SOUL CRASH SKILL HACK PERMANENT.html" for the video tutorial.

Index of Unreleased Skill:
Astral Teleport =  6
Ground Smash =  7

[ Note: Use At your Own Risk... ]


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